[정치]North Korea pushes US and South Korean policy towards North Korea … Kim Yeo-jung’s status still remains



The talk by North Korean Vice President Kim Yeo-jeong is noteworthy because he preceded the first authorities of the Republic of Korea and the United States in coordinating policy towards North Korea after the inauguration of the Biden administration.

As the intention is to lead the US government’s appeasement policy toward North Korea through intense pressure on the Korean government, I am concerned about North Korea’s follow-up action.

Reporter Lee Kyo-jun.


The fact that Labor Vice President Kim Yeo-jeong’s talk came a day before visits by US defense and state ministers to Korea is significant.

This is because this high-level meeting is the first time since the inauguration of the Biden administration, where both sides meet face to face to coordinate North Korean policies.

[양무진 / 북한대학원대학교 교수 : 2+2 한미 당국 회담을 앞두고 대화와 교류를 통한 협력의 길로 갈 것인지, 제재와 반인권을 통한 대결의 길로 갈 것인지 양자택일하라는 대남, 대미 압박의 의도가 담긴 것으로 분석합니다.]

In this regard, North Korea’s first official warning to the Biden administration was relatively low, and it is worth noting.

The intention is to adjust the level of response after observing the new policy line of the United States government towards North Korea.

Earlier, in the report of the 8th Congress of the Labor Party in January, President Kim Jong-un repeatedly affirmed the principle of face-to-face response and called for the withdrawal of hostilities towards North Korea.

[북한 조선중앙TV : (보고는) 새로운 조미관계수립의 열쇠는 미국이 대조선 적대시 정책을 철회하는 데 있다고 하면서 앞으로도 강대강, 선대선의 원칙에서 미국을 상대할 것이라는 우리 당의 입장을 엄숙히 천명했습니다.]

The level of pressure on our government to ease US sanctions against North Korea continues.

In response to the training of the ROK-US coalition, we are concerned about the abolition of the Committee for the Unification and Peace of the Fatherland, which is a window of official dialogue between the two Koreas.

North Korea detonated the Joint South-North Liaison Office three days after the talk about Kim Yeo-jung was published in June last year.

[정대진 / 아주대 통일연구소 교수 : 대남 압박을 통해서 내부 결속을 하고 남측에 대한 압박을 통해 남북관계 주도권을 쥐는 것은 그대로 쥐고 나가는, 비군사적 부분에 있어선 아마 조만간 이행을 하지 않을까…]

Vice President Kim Yeo-jeong was demoted from his official position at the 8th Party Congress, but this time, he was again at the forefront of the offensive against South Korea, showing his political status.

In the midst of the crisis in inter-Korean relations, Kim Jong-un’s speech expresses the intention to continue with the role of villain who puts pressure on the Korean government and the United States.

YTN Kyojun Lee[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]