[정치]Chang-Hum Byun “We will be responsible for the results of the investigation” … 12 people who refused to provide information


12 Employees Refused to Provide Information … Government “Investigation Request Review”
Disassembly request LH … “Evaluate roles and think of alternatives”


In LH’s suspected speculation investigation, it was confirmed that the Ministry of Lands, Infrastructure and Transport and 12 LH employees refused to consent to the information investigation itself.

Minister Byun Chang-heum bowed his head at the speculation allegations and said he would take responsibility according to the results of the investigation, but reaffirmed his position that the housing supply would go smoothly.

Reporter Seung-Hwan Kim reports.


The number of employees of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport and LH who are subject to a full investigation due to alleged speculation by LH employees, is close to 15,000.

Although the first investigation was carried out, 12 people disagreed with the query for personal information or details of real estate transactions.

[백승근 / 국토교통부 기획조정실장 : 국토교통부 총 4,509명 중 현재는 한 명의 동의 거부자를 제외한 전원이 동의하였습니다. LH의 경우 총 현원 9,839명 중 11명이 동의 거부하였습니다.]

It reveals the limits of the investigation.

Interior Minister Byeon Chang-heum, who was called to the National Assembly, bowed his head in apology and emphasized a further investigation.

However, comments of ‘covering up my family’ emerged following speculative suspicion, followed by accusations from lawmakers.

[심상정 /정의당 의원 : 개발 정보를 미리 알고 미리 투자한 것은 아닌 것 같다. 이런 말씀 하셨어요. 그러면 장관께서는 사전에 그분들이 땅 사재기한 거를 아셨습니까? 알고 말씀하신 거예요? (전혀 몰랐습니다) 그러면 사전에 말씀하시기 전에 조사를 해봤습니까? (해본 적 없습니다)]

The people’s power repeatedly urged resignation,

[송석준 / 국민의힘 의원 : 장관님 물러나시란 얘기가 막 여기저기서 들리죠? 어떻게 생각하세요?] [변창흠 / 국토교통부 장관 : 네, 저로서도 무거운 책임감을 통감하고 있습니다.]

The Democratic Party also noted that controversy over the investigation issue should be eliminated.

[진성준 / 민주당 의원 : 합수단에 검사 인력을 파견 받아 가지고, 전문적인 검사 인력이 수사에 동참하도록 할 필요가 있다는 거고 그 점을 장관님께서 국무총리께 건의하시라 이 말씀이에요.] [변창흠 / 국토교통부 장관 : 사건이 명확하게 실체 밝혀지는 대로 어떤 방식이든 건의하고 제안하도록 하겠습니다.]

As the allegations continued, Minister Byeon repeatedly lowered himself by saying that he would take responsibility for what he would be responsible according to the results of the investigation.

[변창흠 / 국토교통부 장관 : 저 스스로도 조사를 다 받고 모두 한 치의 착오도 없이 그 결과에 따라서 저도 책임질 일은 책임지도록 하겠습니다.]

Despite criticism that the LH should be dismantled, they responded that they would find alternatives by thoroughly evaluating their roles and operations.

However, he reaffirmed his position that this situation should not generate mistrust in the public and that the housing supply measures will be carried out as planned without interruption.

YTN Seung-Hwan Kim[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]