[정치]’Kim Jong-un-sik’ goes through the economic crisis, will he succeed? … “Reduce residents’ consumption and prepare for economic hardship”


金, massive redemption liquidation … Focus on the Economic Command Cabinet
Promote the efficient distribution of limited resources in the right place.
Chronic energy shortages and raw material shortages are obstacles
Space for recreation of the ‘Cabinet Accountability System’ that failed in the 2000s


North Korean leader Kim Jong-un is reported to be bracing for economic hardships, such as declining real consumption, while encouraging the achievement of economic goals by whipping cabinets and executives day after day.

However, we are interested in whether we can overcome fundamental constraints such as energy shortages and raw materials shortages in the situation of border closures and sanctions against North Korea.

Reporter Hwang Hye-kyung reports.


It’s a term that has popped up in North Korea recently, and it’s the ‘March of Suffering’ of the 1990s.

When comparing the time when hundreds of thousands of people starved to the current crisis, the emphasis is on solidarity and total struggle.

[조선중앙TV : 1990년 고난의 행군 시기, 우리의 미더운 간부들은 자신들의 깨끗하고 성실한 땀과 노력으로 당 정책을 말로써가 아니라 실천으로 결사관철했습니다. 그 정신으로 난관과 시련을 박차고 정면돌파해나간다면….]

In fact, it is said that the neighbors themselves wore the belt, remembering the time.

As the border blockade caused by the crown drags on, it is reducing overall consumption and preparing for economic difficulties.

[강미진 / NK투자개발 대표 (前 탈북 출신 기자) : (가계 지출도) 한 40%는 줄어든 걸로 보이거든요. 예전에 100만 원을 썼다면 지금은 60만 원 정도 쓰는 걸로…. 북한 주민들이 고난의 행군을 겪으면서 생활의 진리라고 할까요, 터득한 게 있어요. (제가 아는 가정도) 오토바이 있는 거 팔고, 큰집 팔고 작은 집으로 간다, 이런 식으로 가내 경제 상황을 조절하는 거예요.]

President Kim Jong-un, who foresaw the crisis, also foreshadowed a massive deal for redemption, self-reliance and direct advances through the party’s eighth conference and plenary meeting.

It means that we will overcome the crisis independently by concentrating the overall command and control of the economy in the cabinet and by distributing the wealth and resources that have so far been concentrated in the institutions of power.

The obstacle is that financial difficulties, shortages of foreign exchange, energy shortages and shortages of raw materials are not problems that can only be solved with will.

[임을출 / 경남대학교 극동문제연구소 교수 : 국가 주도의 자력갱생 전략이 성공하기 위해서는 국가 차원의 재정이 어느 정도 확보가 돼야 하고 이를 위해서는 경제 관리가 개선돼서 북한 기업들의 생산이 증대될 필요가 있습니다. 더불어 시장이 활성화돼야 이 모든 성과가 긍정적으로 나올 수 있는 그런 상황입니다.]

In the end, there is room for North Korea to re-enact the experiment of the early 2000s, in which only the cabinet collapsed after pursuing the cabinet accountability system after the ‘March of Affliction’.

However, in the first year of the five-year plan for economic development, such as replacing the party’s economy secretary in a month, the possibility that North Korea, which is engaged in an all-out war to achieve its goals, may make a strange, draws attention to Kim Jong-un-sik’s self-help measures.

This is YTN Hwang Hye-kyung.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]