Kim Kardashian worried and trying to help Kanye West

  • Kim Kardashian is reported to be “desperately concerned” about Kanye West after a demonstration in South Carolina and is “furious” that he spoke of his daughter.
  • The rapper is reportedly “struggling again” with bipolar disorder.

    Kim Kardashian is reportedly “desperately concerned” about her husband Kanye West after a demonstration in South Carolina, during which she delivered a speech accusing Harriet Tubman of not releasing slaves and revealing private details about her first pregnancy. Kim.

    A source said Page six that Kim is “desperately concerned” and the Kardashians believe Kanye is having a bipolar episode.

    “She has been desperately trying to help Kanye, keep him calm and keep him from having a public crisis. The family believes he is having a bipolar episode. He will not be taking medications because he feels they make him less creative. But quit.” and say that about [their eldest, daughter] The north is impressive. Kim is devastated. She has worked very hard to help him, but she will not let him do this to his children. “

    An additional source said Persons, “Kim is surprised that Kanye talked about North at the rally” and “she is furious that he shared something so private. She loves her children tremendously and wants to protect them. Her favorite thing in the world is to be a mother. Things have broken down significantly between the two, and it happened suddenly. “

    The store previously reported that Kanye is struggling with his mental health, and a source said, “Kanye has been fine for a long time. In the past, he has suffered from manic and depressive episodes related to his bipolar disorder. Right now, he is struggling. again “.

    Kim has not spoken publicly, but on Monday night Kanye tweeted about his wife trying to get medical attention. The posts have since been removed.

    If you or someone you know needs mental health assistance at this time, call the NAMI Helpline at 800-950-NAMI or text “NAMI” to 741741.

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