People around the world have probably heard of Keith Richards. The iconic musician is a native of England who greatly influenced the world of rock and roll. Richards was born in 1943 and became interested in music at a relatively young age. Louis Armstrong, Billie Holiday and Duke Ellington were some of the musicians who inspired Richards to start working on his own trade. In no time, Richards had shown the world how talented he really was. Take a look at Richards’ musical career and the unlikely phrase the talented star had to live up to in the 1970s.
Why is Keith Richards better known?
The popular musician’s reputation as a songwriter, guitarist, record producer and, of course, singer is known throughout the world. Goat head soup and Emotional rescue they are two of his most popular albums to date. Many fans and critics agree that Richards is one of the most influential rock and roll musicians and that he has inspired others for decades. Richards is typically associated with his intricate role as a member of the famous band The Rolling Stones. Over the years, he has entertained the world with his performances and stories, but some of Richards fans may be surprised to hear this one.
What crime was Keith Richards convicted of?
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During the 1970s, Richards was known for being involved in recreational drug related situations. However, there was one instance that almost potentially damaged the trajectory of his career and the Rolling Stones. Richards and the band were in Canada when police discovered an ounce of heroin in the musician’s hotel room, according to Rolling Stone. With such a considerable amount, Richards was charged with drug possession with the intent to traffic. The musician was faced with the possibility of spending time in prison. However, due to a trial opportunity focused on curing and treating addiction, Richards managed to post bail and obtain a visa that would allow him to await trial in the United States.
Months later, when it was time to judge Richards’ case in case he received tremendous support from his fans and listeners. Once, when Richards was speaking about the trial, he said: “There were between five hundred and six hundred people outside each time he appeared in court, singing, ‘Free Keith, free Keith.'” However, despite the best efforts of his fans, the rising star was still found guilty of the crime. Fortunately for Richards, there was one fanatic in particular who was unwilling to give up on him or his case.
What was Keith Richards ordered to do as a result of the crime he was found guilty of?
Richards, unfortunately, was found guilty of the drug possession of which he was accused during the 1970s. However, just when things seemed like a lost cause, there was a fanatic who was able to save the day.
Rita was a loyal fan of the Rolling Stones who managed to get the judge to give Richards leeway when it came to his sentence. Rita explained that she was blind and managed to find a way to hitchhike The Rolling Stones because she wanted to see the band play live so hard. Rita shared her poignant story with the judge, and it seemed to work to Richards’ advantage. As a result, the judge sentenced Richards to perform at a benefit concert for the blind. In Richards’ memoirs, Lifetime, he mentions Rita and her dedication. She went on to say, “The love and devotion of. [fans] like Rita is something that still amazes me. “Talk about a story from your life.