Katy Perry tells it all: 8 revelations about her mental health, Orlando Bloom and Taylor Swift

On the timing of his new album:

“This album has been interesting to publish because it is during these Looney Tunes times, it is during a pandemic, a racial revolution, an electoral year and I am giving birth to a baby at the same time,” she said of her next album, Smile, which falls on August 14.

The 35-year-old star also noted how criticism of her 2017 album, Witness, impacted his mental health.

“I’ve always had something fun with my music and I lost that … I had really lost my smile,” he said. “You create art and you’re excited that it’s being received by the world. When it’s not received by the world, when it’s like, ‘No thanks,’ you think, ‘Oh y-t, that doesn’t feel good.’

On his struggles with depression while doing Smile:

“It was more than I had ever faced in my life. I had had episodes of depression before, but I could avoid falling into really dark depression by making music,” he explained. “It’s like all these things you do to distract yourself, you eat, you work, you get a new boyfriend, you shop.”

Katy added: “I was so embarrassed about taking medication because I was like … ‘I wrote’ Fireworks’. But it was one of those things where I twisted my brain a little bit.”