Kathie Lee Gifford talks about her last visit with Regis Philbin

Kathie Lee Gifford is reflecting on the last moments she shared with her dear friend and 15-year-old former television host, Regis Philbin, just a few weeks before her death.


from his Connecticut home. “We sat here on my screen porch and laughed sick. We always just pick up right where we left off.[Regis and Joy Philbin] came about two weeks ago. I saw Reg get out of the car with Joy and felt much more fragility than I had seen in him since the last time in January in Los Angeles, “Gifford shared in Today from his Connecticut home. “We sat here on my screen porch and laughed sick. We always pick up right where we left off. ”

“We just had the best time and after they left, I thought to myself, ‘Sir, is this the last time I go to see my friend?'” She recalled. “Because it was failing, I realized it.”

Just before the 88-year-old woman died on Friday, Gifford said he had been at his home outside of Tennessee and had a feeling he needed to return to Connecticut, where Joy and Regis live. Shortly after her arrival, Gifford received the news of Regis’s death.

Gifford called Joy and ended up visiting her family’s home, although she mentioned that she didn’t want to “meddle with her private family time,” something she learned from the passing of her own husband Frank in 2015 is important to the duel.

“It’s been five years almost since Frank passed away and you love your friends, but you also desperately need that private time as a family,” she shared. “Anyway, I was grateful to spend time with them and comfort them a little, I let them know that I believed with all my heart that I know where Regis is and I know who he is with because I had many, many conversations.” with him over the years about faith and where we are going when this life ends and he was very curious as always, he listened. We always respect the opinions of others so much. ”

Gifford added that she and Regis had never had “a crossword” while working together and explained how much she learned from her ability to entertain.

“He was the most grateful person in the world, he never forgot where he came from. And he worked from below, as you said, so correctly in the introduction. I was happy to be on a set, “said Gifford. “We had the biggest secret known in the world, but they don’t. We have fun, F – U – N and it’s contagious. ”

Days after Regis’ death, Gifford said he will miss “everything” about his friend.

“I am so grateful that the Lord gave me that last time,” she said. “That will forever be a precious gift that the Lord gave me, that I had to laugh again with one of my best friends in all my life.”
