Kate Middleton is ‘Princess Diana without the drama’ says Royal Insider

Life in the royal family definitely comes with its advantages. Family members can live a life of privilege, residing in incredible castles and palaces, wearing jewelry from the Queen’s private vault, and flying to some of the most exotic places in the entire world.

Even with all the wonderful things that royalty can do, being a part of the family also has major drawbacks. Members of royalty, especially those who perform tasks on behalf of the queen, have virtually no privacy, and are constantly being spoken to and even criticized in the media.

People who marry the family are often overwhelmed when they realize how much attention they are suddenly receiving. Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, who will one day become a Queen Consort, knows this very well.

Kate came from a typical family, and after establishing a relationship with Prince William, she was suddenly living life in the spotlight. Now, she is one of the most famous women in the entire world, following in the footsteps of her deceased mother-in-law. Let’s talk about how Kate is “Princess Diana without the drama,” according to a source.

Thriving like real during the confinement

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The world is a different place than it was even a few months ago. Even members of royalty are feeling the effects of the blockade and saying that it has been difficult has been an understatement.

Not only is Kate trying to carry out her royal duties using zoom calls and practicing social distancing, but she’s also had to take on a lot more work since Prince Harry and Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex, left office. According to BestLife, Kate is really fine despite the pressure she’s under.

When Prince Harry and Meghan were first married, fans and the media had unrealistic expectations for the new sisters-in-law. Most people thought that the two women would be best friends instantly, and that did not happen.

Now that Meghan lives thousands of miles away in Los Angeles, Kate is free to be herself without being compared to someone else.

Kate can let her personality shine

Kate isn’t exactly the type to go out and try to get as much attention as she can. Her main concern is to fulfill her duties as Duchess of Cambridge to the best of her ability and to exceed the expectations of other royalty. This is something the Duchess is excellent at, and her reserved and reserved personality definitely works in her favor.

Real fans love Meghan and Harry, but there was a bit of chaos that followed them everywhere. Now, Kate doesn’t have to worry about that. She is preparing to be the future queen without having to worry about the negative side of things or the intense media scrutiny, which should be a great relief to her.

A royal source says Kate Middleton is ‘Princess Diana without the drama’

Kate Middleton visits Peterley Manor Farm in 2019
Kate Middleton | Max Mumby / Indigo / Getty Images

Princess Diana was a beloved member of the royal family for years, and her death is still mourned to this day. According to ABC, photographers were constantly following her, ultimately leading to her untimely death.

Princess Diana herself did not like reflectors, which she made clear on several occasions. Now, a real source says that Kate is “Princess Diana without the drama.”

She is able to provide her fair share of support to the royal family, and the source says Kate “grew up and was comfortable in her royal role.” The royal family faces a bit of “turmoil and controversy,” and Kate has somehow managed to embrace this while carrying out her duties and continues to be an inspiration to many.