“Just Me Being Real” – Dr DisRespect in his final moments on the air – EssentiallySports

Exactly a month ago, Dr. Disrespect was pulled from Twitch with no particular reason cited. Many conspiracy theories have been developed regarding the reason why the 38-year-old man was banned. But the interesting thing is how he spent his last minutes on the broadcast.

What appears to be an “out of place” movement, Dr. Disrespectful appears to be gloomy and disturbed.

“We’re going to … we’re going to get through this, champions club. I know it’s hard … Life is weird right now … we’ll have a good time. And uh … f …

Later, in an interview with PC Gamer when asked why he said what he said, this is what Doc replied;

“I was at a time when I was just assimilating what is happening in the world, you know? If people had the context of that clip going in, and then going out of it, like, all I was talking about was the state of the world that we’re dealing with, dealing with the protests and the coronavirus, and everything that was going.

“It’s like, man … And at that particular moment, I think I was going through a kind of, you know, when can we break this 2020 chaos? It was just me being real on the broadcast. And that’s more or minus the context of that. “

read more– Dr. Disrespect Twitch Ban: Nadeshot, Lachlan and CouRage share their thoughts

Conspiracies or the truth? Disrespectful Dr. Mentions David Icke

I don’t know about you, but something really seems to be wrong. Suddenly mentioning David Icke in a broadcast is quite peculiar. And that turns out to be your last broadcast? As if Icke was no longer the greatest conspiracy theorist and all of this doesn’t add even more shade to the silence around Doc’s ban.

Interestingly, Icke was kicked out of YouTube and Facebook earlier this year for anti-Semitic views and disinformation. But in the interview, when pressed on this point, Doc simply dismisses all suspicion.

“Yes, yes. It’s an interesting time, for sure.

Coincidental or not, speculation about its ban isn’t going to rest unless Twitch provides a reason for it. For your Champion Club, or anyone interested, now would be the time to go ahead and see exactly what happened in that last broadcast.

Source– https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwFgZQ4rmtp4VbKvapwksIQ
