Jupiter and Saturn will descend on the world’s tallest building in the epic ‘Great Conjection’ video

On Monday (December 21), Jupiter and Saturn were spotted together in the night sky for more than 800 years. To the naked eye, this “great connection” felt like a single, vast celestial object shining above the earth. But for the telescope – and a consumer camera equipped with a telescopic lens – the planets leaned around the sky and showed their individual faces in stunning detail.

UAE photographer Florian Krichbaummer has achieved one of the most sky-breaking spots on Earth: near the world’s tallest building, Burj Khalifa. In the vast parking area surrounding the skyscraper (which is 2,720 feet or 830 meters tall), Kritchbaumer filmed the connection for 45 minutes, capturing the moment that the two planets approached each other (from their position).