Judge launches Trump family’s attempt to block Mary Trump’s disclosure

A New York judge released a request from President Donald Trump’s brother to try to stop publication of his niece Mary Trump’s book, Too much and never enough: how my family created the most dangerous man in the world.

Queens County Substitute Court Judge Peter Kelly cited “various irregularities” in Robert Trump’s filing that made him “fatally flawed”, including that it was based on the official disposition of patriarch Fred Trump Sr.’s estate, which ended in 2001 and is therefore for “non-existent” legal purposes. That agreement included a confidentiality clause that niece Mary Trump signed, and that elder Trumps has argued that prevents her from publishing the kind of captivating family secrets that her memory is meant to contain.

But Kelly claimed that her court was unable to provide the declaratory judgment blocking the book Robert was seeking, and recommended that Brother Trump try his luck at the New York State Supreme Court, which oversees civil and criminal matters. The substitute court strictly handles the wills and assets of the deceased.

A spokesman for Simon and Schuster, Adam Rothberg, said in a statement: “We are delighted with Judge Kelly’s decision to dismiss this substitute court case. We look forward to publishing Mary’s Trump’s Too much and never enough, and we are confident that we will prevail if there are further efforts to stifle this publication. “
