Judge blocks Trump administration order to remove WeChat from stores

WASHINGTON, Sept. 20 (Xinhua) – A U.S. judge blocked the Commerce Department early Sunday morning on the need to remove the Chinese-owned messaging app WeChat to allow Google to download Paul and Alphabet by the end of Sunday.

U.S. in San Francisco. Magistrate Judge Laurel Biller said in an order that the WeChat users who filed the lawsuit “raised serious questions leading to the appropriateness of the First Amendment claim, balancing the difficulties in favor of the plaintiff.”

On Friday, the Commerce Department issued a lawsuit against U.S. security-owned Tencent Holding. An order was issued regarding the blocking of the app from the App Stores and the Justice Department urged the biller not to block this order.

The biller’s initial order also blocked a commerce order that would have banned other transactions with WeChat in the United States, which is the current U.S. Deteriorates the usability of the site for users. The U.S. Department of Commerce did not immediately return a request for comment.

The average daily active users of Vechet in the United States are 19 million, analytics companies TopPotia said at the start of Gust. It is popular with Chinese students, Americans living in China, and some Americans who have personal or business relationships in China.

The Justice Department said blocking the order would disappoint and displace the president’s decision on how best to handle threats to national security. “But while the general evidence about the threat to national security in China (concerning technology and G and mobile technology regarding G) is significant, the specific evidence about Wecht is modest,” Bealer said.

He added “this regulation – which removes the channel of communication without a clear vision – emphasizes more speech than necessary to advance the significant interest of the government.”

WeChat is a one-of-a-kind mobile application that integrates similar services like Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram and Venmo. The app is an essential part of everyday life for many people in China and promotes more than 1 billion users.

The ruling was hailed by the WeChat Users Alliance, which hailed the ruling as “an important and hard-fought victory for millions of WeChat users in the US”.

“The United States has never shut down a major communications platform, not even during wartime. China has serious First Amendment problems with the veto ban targeting the American community,” said Michael Bean, a consumer lawyer.

He added “his first amendment guaranteed freedom of speech, worship, reading and reacting to the press, and organizing and joining for a number of purposes.”