Johnny Depp: The ‘Fantastic Beasts’ star was cut loose by Warner Bros.

On December 7, 2017, J.K. Rowling posted a lengthy statement on her website in defense of Johnny Depp, the actor was introduced to the infamous dark wizard Gallet Grindelwald to play in the “Fantastic Beasts” movie franchise, which is part of Rowling’s “Wizarding World Harry Harry”. Potter ”Media Fifth. For over a year, Depp had received headlines surrounding her sporadic marriage to actor Amber Heard, who alleged that Depp had repeatedly physically and verbally abused her. Even before the #MeToo movement exploded in late 2017, many of Rowling’s fans made it clear how annoyed they were, after appearing soon in 2016, “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them,” Depp was to give the follow-up title , “Fantastic Beasts: Crimes Grindelwald” despite Heard’s claims.

In his statement – which was encouraged by similar statements from director David Yates and Warner Bros. – Rowling sought to reassure fans that while they understand and appreciate his concerns, “based on our understanding of the circumstances, the filmmakers and I are just comfortable. No. Sticking to our original casting, but really happy to see Johnny play the lead role in the films. “

Almost three years later, on November 6, Depp announced on Instagram that Warner Bros. He was asked to “resign” from playing the role of Grindelwald in the third “Fantastic Beasts”. The actor wrote, “I have accepted this request and accepted it. Warner Bros. Confirming the withdrawal with a brief statement from Depp, “Thanks to Depp for his work on the films” and “The role of Galert Grindelwald will return”. While a source close to the production says Rowling has signed Warner Bros. ‘The decision, to date, the author has not yet been able to make any public comment about Depp leaving the franchise.

While “Fantastic Beasts 3” has been shooting in the UK for almost two months, Depp left the project after shooting just one scene, Christopher survived the production in a plummer-style re-shooting. Replacement actors, however, need to be found with dispatch. The most obvious candidate, Colin Farrell – who played Grindelwald in disguise in the first “Fantastic Beasts” film – is probably not available. Diversity Currently in London, the production has also learned to keep in mind the demand for playing penguins in “The Batman”.

So what has changed from the second to the third “Fantastic Beasts” movie for Depp’s departure? Three letters: AT&T.

Nov. On the 2nd, Depp lost his defamation case against the newsgroup newspaper, which sued in a British court for The Sun’s 2018 article calling Depp a “wife bitter.” Judge Andrew Nicole wrote that he found that the defendants had proved that what they were printing was “remarkably true”, a finding that gives other UK journalists significant cover to feature Depp in a comparable fashion. (In his November statement, Depp said he would appeal the verdict at the hearing and “prove that the allegations against me are false.”)

But while the hearing contained some bizarre new allegations about Depp and Heard – while the broad outline of Hard’s original abuse allegations hasn’t changed since 2016 when Warner Bros. and Rowling chose to support Depp’s casting in “Creeds Gr f Kryndelwald”. ”

However, the film, which was significantly impressive in theaters when it launched in 2018, grossed 65 4,654 million globally, the lowest ever in “Wizarding World” films. It was also Depp’s last major studio film before “Fantastic Beasts 3”. That same year, by contrast, Hardy starred opposite Jason Momoa in “Aquaman,” the highest-grossing adaptation of the DC Com Mix property ever (yes, even more than “The Dark Knight”). Head is expected to reappear next year in HBO Max’s “Justice League” Zack Schneider’s mini-series, and in the inevitable “Aquaman” sequel.

Most crucially, AT & T merged with Warner Bros. as the production of “Crimes of Grindelwald” was wrapped up. The parent company is making big changes to Time Warner, now known as Warnermedia, including Jason Killer’s new CEO and Ann Sarnoff’s new studio chief. Sources with an understanding of how the company works say that in one of the most obvious post-merger changes, there has been a complete lack of tolerance for the controversy that every major studio has taken Purial to court at one time or another – but historically popular – Depp. Such talent.

In addition, Depp is far from the only controversial figure spread around the “Fantastic Beasts” franchise. Fellow costar Ezra Miller was caught on video confronting an Icelandic woman in April, where Miller was stationed for “Fantastic Beasts 3” before the Civil-19 epidemic temporarily halted production. Neither the studio nor Miller, who has also decided the headline of Warner Bros. The movie “The Flash” has not yet commented on the video in public.

Rowling plunged herself into the hornet of controversy this summer when she repeatedly defended her views on the facts of transgender identity, causing more fans to question her allegiance to the franchise they have known since childhood. Warner Bros. It erupted with a statement evaluating “inclusion”, “diverse and universal culture” and “the work of our narrators” who never mentioned Rowling or transferred people by name.

Oddly enough many clouds revolve around “Fantastic Beasts”, the verdict at Depp’s hearing was obviously necessary for the studio to cut the actor off. In particular, whoever changed it to Grindelwald will also have to make two more “Fantastic Beasts” movies, as Rowling announced in advance of the first film’s entry that it would be a five-film franchise. But “Creeds of Grindelwald” was enough for an important and professional disappointment that the third film would almost certainly require a powerful spell with the audience to watch the franchise for Warner Bros. Brass and their AT&T boss. Ongoing headache.