John Legend warns against choosing ‘someone who doesn’t know how to run the government

John Legend issued a serious warning about choosing inexperienced people for a higher position on Monday (July 13) in a series of tweets reminding anyone considering a third-party career to seriously think about the implications of your actions during these difficult times. In his most serious red flag, Legend wrote of running amid an out-of-control pandemic and a turbulent home economy: “This is not simply an intellectual exercise. It is life and death.”

Having been politically active for years and featured in a virtual fundraiser for presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden last month, Legend did not name any candidate by name, but his wave of tweets came a week after that his friend Kanye West launched an alleged third-party offer to the White House, and just hours after Chance, the rapper seemed to endorse West’s offer while questioning why people support former Vice President Biden’s attempt to overthrow Pres. Triumph .

“Journalists always ask me if more artists should talk about politics. I always say ummmmmm not necessarily,” said Legend, taking his breath away from his own candles as he apparently opined on West’s quixotic political aspirations; To date, West does not appear to have taken any concrete action to register with the Federal Election Commission and has failed to meet several deadlines for entering the ballot in several key states. A West spokesman has not responded to repeated requests for Billboard looking for details on West’s alleged presidential aspirations.

“And the real-world implications of choosing (or re-electing) someone who doesn’t know how to run the government are particularly urgent and shocking in the midst of a pandemic that has been far more deadly due to an incompetent president,” West wrote, again, not naming names, but making what seems to be a clear reference to real estate reality star Trump, who took office without political experience and whose confused and politically charged response to the pandemic has coincided with the United States landing on top from the List of countries with the most cases and deaths to date.

Legend continues that part of an artist’s job is “to imagine a different future,” and while he said he appreciates the desire to break with the traditional two-party system in the United States, “you cannot separate the conversation from the implications of the world. Rooting for a useless third party offer. ” After West’s recent interview with Forbes, in which the rapper without political experience, and who had never voted before, spoke about his anti-vaccine stance and his desire to “reincorporate” prayer in schools without offering concrete political points rather than wanting to model his putative administration on black utopia fictional Wakanda from the Black Panther In the movie, Legend urged anyone considering a serious career for office to at least do their homework.

“Read about this. Talk to activists, organizers and affected people,” wrote Legend, who has used his musical bully pulpit to advocate over time for the environment, HIV / AIDS awareness, education, reform of prisons, medical care, criminal justice reform, and various other causes. “Be open to evolution and change your mind. Be intentional and strategic. And think about the impact of your words on the real lives of real people.”

Fully aware that it is just as important to shut up and sing sometimes, Legend added: “It is not for everyone. If you feel more comfortable booping, do that. We need that in our lives too!”

See Legend’s tweets below.

Singer-songwriter Sara Bareilles tweeted that she’s definitely on Team Legend.