John Cena strips naked and talks about COVID-19 misinformation

John Oliver dedicated last night Last week tonight to address the misinformation of COVID-19 and the “nice” ways in which one can encourage the conspirators among us to better investigate the news sources they scroll through on Facebook. He was joined by a host of celebrities, including Catherine O’Hara, Billy Porter, Paul Rudd and Alex Trebek. Loved as you are, yet none of your messages compares to that provided by John Cena, who knows it, due to his absence in WWE and the delay of Fast 9, the world is hungry to take a look at its chiseled torso.

As he slowly removes his jacket, shirt and tie, Dinner with calm It reminds the viewer that it doesn’t take much to verify the veracity of a news source, and that one should do so before sharing it with friends or family. Their efficiency, we would bet, it depends as much on the open-mindedness of the viewer as on whether they consider Cena’s brand of rippling, veiny muscles to be erotic or simply stunning.

All celebrity messages, including Cena’s, It can be found at Last week tonightnew website, TheTrueTrueTruth.
