JK Rowling receives backlash after new comments about transgender community

Trans activist and model, Munroe Bergdorf, he replied to Rowling’s tweets.

“Not once did @jk_rowling stop to think about the harm he is doing to the mental health of trans children. Failing to support a transition for trans children does not prevent them from being trans,” shared the model. “If anything forces them to live as a gender they don’t identify with, it’s conversion therapy.”

She wrote: “Children, I mean I am, I am very sorry that this is happening. I will fight tooth and nail for this for you, I will always fight for you. These evil people will not win.”

YouTuber Kat Blaque He said, “Why does JK Rowling need to keep reminding the world that she doesn’t consider transgender people’s gender valid? I hate to say this, but trans people who take hormones, undergo surgery, etc. KNOW that their biology is not similar to gender. cis people who share their gender. “

Adding: “And honestly, it is very upsetting for people to pretend that taking a stance against transgender people is nervous and is an actively muted stance. I hate how people forget that while debating whether trans people can participate in the public society, time continues for us. “

Drag artist Juno birch wrote: “JK Rowling needs to be quiet right away, she is literally hurting the trans community, apparently she just published the clinic I went to as a child and said they were experimenting with us, when in reality the Tavistock clinic saved my lifetime”.