Jim Cramer and Rob Maurer discuss TSLA stock, Elon Musk, and battery day

This was an Amazing Interview. Loved Cramer’s constant renewed confession, he’s just stupid. Elon is not a fan of Cramer and the feeling is mutual. But he loves Tesla stock. This really builds a case for “Cramer is not an Elon Fan boy”. Investigating (what would happen if Elon got bored and Lefts) was primarily insightful. You made a great case for the Management that more or less brought Elon down to Earth and brought the company predictability. SP500 included .. Cramer Torpedoed that as a Nuthing hamburger and a great Tip gave it a wake up call for people who want to buy. Stock Split .. great that you both did not live there, the day traders acknowledged .. bit and focused on the Long Term investors. Props! for his congratulations on your Bull case “Dissertation” .. that was a great presentation.

I keep watching this video over and over again.

It’s Stuff full of a very good Very in-depth conversation .. and comes out as Real. I have no doubt you had conversation points, but Cramer got to run for free and for a moment Rob “stumped” for a micro-second .. that was very real. These guys are really playing the opposite kind of investors .. the idealistic young investor / and the realistic older investor who more often than not says … “Show me the Numbers”.

Cramer brought his experiences of Honeywell and IBM and Univac, his college day interviewing Steve Balmer and difficulty placing Tesla as a common stock. They resonated so well with me. He’s been there .. he’s an unusually older person who can investigate his assumptions .. even after he’s been insulted in public .. say curmudgeonly .. ‘Ok this is something Special’.

I “Loved” Cramer challenge Rob with the statement .. what if Elon does not present what the market wants to hear on Battery Day .. something “Business based .. a plan forward to Greater Profits” .. and disappear into the Nerdy weed explain and get excited about esoteric “technology” .. so very true. Elon is a nerd .. he is an expert .. he does not get along well with people who are looking for pure profit.

Rob like “taken a back” like .. What?

His recovery, however, was golden.

Just look at “How much they could grow ..” it’s the setup .. his look at everything Elon does not speak .. it’s everything else. The potential is 50% growth per year for a decade without end in sight. There are no competitors in their class. All other EV makers make $ 100,000 cars in one and two. Elon makes $ 40,000 cars and supplies half a million cars a year. It’s like Rob can’t see that other people can’t see what’s right in front of them.

Cramer gets from both sides .. the old investor and the young investor .. and the people on twitter who “want” the world to work the way they want. I think I’m a Cramer fan boy now.

Cramer seemed to sympathize with the Short sellers who continue to change the goal posts in hopes of a win. He said they should pay out at a higher price.

The Rob Baron interviews critics who took Cramer … and then fired back .. “They do not sell” what other Pump and Dump scheme do you see where they “do not sell”.

Cramer (die) leaves the possibility open … the very real possibility .. that even Tesla may not be able to withstand another Covid shutdown wave .. and then it would be a good time to make some profits from to take the table. But Rob does not budget an inch.

My opinion is in that event .. if the macro environment that gets bad for Tesla, they can just slow down building to their plants and “right size” for demand. But the statement of personal value to (any) purchase of cars or trucks will still favor (the cheaper car or truck) .. people do not get Teslas are cheaper than they buy .. and in the course of their life time .. cheaper fuel costs (electricity is cheaper than oil products) .. cheaper repairs (only two things can go wrong, engine and battery .. no transmission) and diagnostics for repairs can for the most part be done “over the air” .. do not stick to a dealer. They also potentially have a longer lifespan than any oil-powered car, and second lives as new raw material as robotic taxis .. as used cars in people-powered car dealerships. Oil cars are being repaired, broken down .. have thousands of parts turning out and missing due to design flaws, structural fatigue and availability of parts.