Japanese actress Yuko Tekuchi was found dead at the age of 40

Yuko Tekuchi is seen taking selfies with fans in 2018Image copyright pyrite
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Yuko Tekuchi has starred in several TV series and films, including Miss Sherlock

Award-winning Japanese actress Yuko Tekuchi has been found dead at her Tokyo home at the age of 40.

Media reports say police have launched an investigation and it is suspected that the mother of the two took her own life.

She is said to have been met by actor’s husband Taiki Nakabayashi at his Shibuya ward home. Her death was confirmed at the hospital.

Mrs. Tekuchi was a well-known Japanese actress who was seen in many films and TV series during her career.

She is a U.S. citizen. A female Sherlock Holmes played Miss Sherlock in the 2018 HBO series aired in many countries including.

She also won Best Actress in the Leading Role category at the Japan Academy Awards for three consecutive years between 2004 and 2007.

With a long list of her acting credits, Mrs. Tekuchi’s cozy, smiling, Woman-People f-The People made her popular with advertisers, reports Diversity Magazine.

Although Ms Tekuchi’s case has not been confirmed as a suicide, it has recently led to the deaths of several Japanese talents, including actress Sei Ashina earlier this month, actor Haruma Miura in July and wrestling star Hannah Kimura in May.

Although Japan has one of the highest suicide rates in the world, according to the World Health Organization, the numbers have dropped since 2015 when preventive measures were introduced.

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