Yakult Yasuhiro Ogawa Boarding canceled due to fever PCR test negative –NHK NEWS WEB


  1. Yakult Yasuhiro Ogawa Boarding canceled due to fever and negative PCR test NHK NEWS WEB
  2. Yakult Ogawa is in poor physical condition and avoids the starting lineup, Takuma Kubo (Daily Sports) Yahoo! News
  3. 24 people with Yakult Tetsuto Yamada bank and others leave just before Nikkan Sports
  4. [Yakult]Yasuhiro Ogawa, who avoids the initial alignment, passes a PCR test of 37.3 degrees of fever auone.jp
  5. Yakult Ogawa, who avoids the titular alignment, plans to perform a PCR test at a hospital in Aichi prefecture. Ishiyama & Satoshi Yamada & Nishiura come off the bench Sankei Sports
  6. See all articles in Google News