Yakult Murakami receives a dead ball on his back and collapses. Temporary turmoil hits 3 divisions battling for title – Sports Nippon Shimbun


  1. Yakult / Murakami receives a dead ball on his back and collapses Stand Temporary upheaval Hit 3 divisions fighting for the title Sports Nippon Shimbun
  2. Yakult Murakami A tumultuous Nikkan sport collapsing on the back with a dead ball hit
  3. Yakult Murakami crouches with a dead ball on his back but resumes the game Reaching 80 points with 2 points (Daily Sports) Sports Navi
  4. Yakult Murakami reaches 80 points in the season! He was right on time with two opportunities Sankei Sports
  5. Yakult Ogawa interrupted by stormy fireworks “after a long time” 10 wins Nikkan Sports
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