Watch out for heavy rain or Typhoon No. 12 moving from Kyushu to Kanto after consecutive holidays (Nichijo Forecaster September 21, 2020) – Japan Meteorological Association –


  1. After the holidays, beware of heavy rains from Kyushu to Kanto or the movement of Typhoon No. 12 (September 21, 2020) – Japan Meteorological Association
  2. Low tropical pressure turns into a typhoon and there is a risk of heavy rains in the Kanto region after consecutive holidays (Weather News) Yahoo! News
  3. Typhoon No. 12 occurred Heavy rains in the second half of the week
  4. Tropical low pressure turns into a typhoon and there is a risk of heavy rains in the Kanto region after consecutive holidays in the north Weather News
  5. Tropical low pressure in southern Japan tends to develop further and may turn into a typhoon, so be careful (Yuji Sugie) – Yahoo! Yahoo! News News
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