Upset after a business trip outside the prefecture A man in Chuo-ku, Niigata city is infected –Niigata Daily


  1. Upset after a business trip outside the prefecture A man in Chuo-ku, Niigata city, is infected Niigata Daily
  2. New Corona A 50-year-old man in Niigata city is infected | NNN News Nittele NEWS24
  3. [Últimas noticias]New confirmation of corona infection for men in their 50s Kochi Shimbun
  4. [Últimas noticias]A male office worker in his 50s in Chuo-ku, Niigata City, was infected with the new corona virus.
  5. [Últimas noticias]New Corona Confirmation of infection by a 50-year-old office worker in Niigata City FNN Prime Online
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