Unauthorized withdrawal damage even with LINE Pay Is it the crime of an acquaintance? Total damage of approximately 500,000 yen –ITmedia


  1. Damage from illegal withdrawal even with LINE Pay Is it the crime of an acquaintance? Total damage around 500,000 yen ITmedia
  2. Damaged by 6 services like Yuchogin and PayPay, Docomo (Sankei Shimbun) Yahoo! account fraud News
  3. [Retiro fraudulento de la cuenta DoCoMo]After the fraudulent withdrawal problem was discovered, 54.1% did not confirm the balance PR TIMES
  4. Unauthorized withdrawal of deposit from Yucho Bank account even with “PayPay” (September 15, 2020) ANNnewsCH
  5. Docomo misuse problem that has tainted “safety and security” pride, resentment of regional ITpro banks
  6. See all articles in Google News