TSE system failure is inadequate Fujitsu manual “Insufficient confirmation” Considering the disposition of related officials –ITmedia


  1. Insufficient manual for TSE Fujitsu system failures “Insufficient confirmation” Considering removal of related ITmedia officials
  2. The financial agency attends the TSE on-site inspection with system failure (October 20, 2020) ANNnewsCH
  3. Failure of the European certificate system Temporary suspension of transactions in France, the Netherlands, etc. Nihon Keizai Shimbun
  4. Financial agency that enters the TSE today (October 20, 2020) Tele East NOTICIAS
  5. Backup, 5 years “OFF” Error in Fujitsu manual TSE System failure – Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Shimbun
  6. See all articles in Google News