There is risk of heavy rain mainly on the Sea of ​​Japan side until tomorrow 18 (Friday) Beware of heavy rains-Weather News


  1. Tomorrow 18 (Friday), there is a risk of heavy rain mainly on the Sea of ​​Japan side Weather News
  2. Weekly Weather Tomorrow from Thursday to Friday, rain clouds in the first line will gradually fall ( Yahoo! News
  3. Thursday afternoon-Friday Warning grade heavy rain on Sea of ​​Japan side, Kanto temperature is around 35 ° C (Nichijo forecaster September 16, 2020) – Japan Meteorological Association tenki .jp
  4. Autumn rain front Heavy rain on the side of the Sea of ​​Japan
  5. There are four rainy seasons a year! “Summer rainy season” and “fall rain” with similar “front lines” … How is it raining? (FNN Prime Online) Yahoo! News
  6. See all articles in Google News