The president of the Japanese bankruptcy “Gold Jim” in Japan is overwhelming “(even a loss of 100 million units) can not be crushed. The government should use the gym” (THE PAGE) -Yahoo! News


  1. The president of the Japanese bankruptcy “Gold Jim” in Japan is overwhelmingly “(even a loss of 100 million units) cannot be crushed. The government should use the gym” (THE PAGE) News from Yahoo!
  2. American fitness “Gold Jim” collapsed Intention to continue business Nihon Keizai Shimbun
  3. “Male will be drastically reduced from the city.” US Gold Jim collapsed. “Macho is the place to go …” “To Japanese males …” J-CAST News
  4. An official view of a Japanese corporation regarding the commercial failure of the United States / Gold Jim! “There is no impact on the Gold Gym operation in Japan” (Battle News) News from Yahoo!
  5. Macho is concerned about the failure of the live gate of US Gold Gym “I lost my place”
  6. See all articles in Google News