The election of the president is the dynamics of Mr. Nikai, who caused an avalanche in the composition of Mr. Suga’s principal: Mainichi Shimbun-Mainichi Shimbun


  1. The election of the president is the dynamic of Mr. Nikai that has caused an avalanche in the composition of Mr. Suga’s principal: Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Shimbun
  2. Expand support for Mr. Suga … What are the chances of winning the “presidential election”? Interview with Mr. Kishida (August 31, 2020) ANNnewsCH
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  4. Ishiba announces running for presidential elections No party votes “I’m sorry” (THE PAGE) Yahoo! News
  5. Post Abe’s Composition Almost Solidified Deciding How To Select President (September 1, 2020) ANNnewsCH
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