[Término solar]Lichun[72 pentads]Dongfeng defrosting –Weathernews


upper part

02/21/03 05:00 Weathernews

Starting today 3 (Wednesday), there will be 24 “Lichun” solar terms and 72 “Dongfeng Thaw (Haruka Zekoori Toku)” pentads.

The beginning of the year is now “January 1,” but on the lunar calendar, the beginning of the year was the beginning of the year.



Edogawa-ku, Tokyo (February 3, 2020)


Chikusa Neighborhood, Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture (February 4, 2016)


Shibata-cho, Shibata-gun, Miyagi (2015), Tsurumi-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka (2016), Taihaku-ku, Sendai-shi, Miyagi (2015)


Ichihara City, Chiba Prefecture (February 4, 2019)

Japanese Culture Iroha Encyclopedia “Lichun” https://iroha-japan.net/iroha/A04_24sekki/05_rissyun.html
Let’s consider the event / calendar “Lichun” casually and cheerfully in Japanese https://koyomigyouji.com/24-risshun.htm
What is club “Meaning of Daikichi Lichun! There are rules on how to write invoices, where and when to put them” https://nanisore-club.com/rissyundaikiti-imi-3219
Breaking News Bulletin Bureau “The difference between Setsubun, Lichun and the Lunar New Year! The easy point is this” https://xn--olsz30coxt6eh.com/737.html
Saijiki term “History and origin of Setsubun” https://www.kanshundo.co.jp/museum/saijiki_yogo/setubun01.htm
Trivia, a collection of interesting topics “Do you know the meaning of Lichun? What is Lichun? When is it?” Https://xn--48s17vxvep85c.com/rissyunn-imi-itu- 1605
Official website of the prestigious Japan Sake Association “Saijiki of Sake” https://www.meimonshu.jp/modules/xfsection/article.php?articleid=375
A memo from Kanbei “Setsubun, Lichun and the Spring Equinox (New Years Day) Can you explain the delicate relationship of the Spring Equinox to 24 solar terms?” Https://kanbe.info/1018.html
Topic labo “History of food on Lichun day[huevos][exprimiendo por la mañana de Lichun][dulces japoneses]etc. “https://topiclabo.net/rissyun-food
sakiyomi torivia.com “What is the meaning of Lichun? The relationship between Setsubun and planting beans, what is Lichun Daikichi?” Https://xn--cbktd7evb4g747sv75e.com/2014/1112/rissyunimi/
Daifuku DAYS “What is Lichun’s food? Summary of 5 typical and 4 things you want to eat” https://daifukudays.com/archives/120.html
Daily life living life Saijiki “Lichun” https://www.i-nekko.jp/meguritokoyomi/nijyushisekki/risshun/
Daily life living life Saijiki “Setsubun” https://www.i-nekko.jp/meguritokoyomi/zassetsu/setubun/
E News Lab “What is Lichun?[¿Qué es Lichun Morning Squeezing]? “Https://enewslab.com/341.html
Eyes of life “When is the beginning of this year? What kind of custom?” Https://kurashinojimoku.com/season/%E7%AB%8B%E6%98%A5/

Photo: Weather report (posted from the Weathernews app)
Soft breeze
