“Task” from Mr. Aso to Mr. Kishida [自民党総裁選2020] –Asahi Shimbun Digital


  1. “Task” from Mr. Aso to Mr. Kishida [自民党総裁選2020] Asahi Shimbun Digital
  2. Liberal Democratic Party 3 Governor’s Choice Camps Begin FNN Prime Online
  3. “It won’t be the face of the elections” “That’s right” Mr. Kishida (Asahi Shimbun Digital) Yahoo! News
  4. Where is the moment? Mr. Suga was willing to resign = Tomonaga Ito Mainichi Shimbun
  5. Difficult question “Where is tooth decay in Japan?” The response of the three candidates for the presidential election is three parties, three people MSN Entertainment
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