- Sara Takanashi (center) (together) with a smile, taking her second victory of the season in the 7th women’s individual jump race.
Sara Takanashi (24 = Kuraray) has won two consecutive victories, increasing the number of male and female victories to 59.
The first time, when it flew 89 meters in favorable headwind conditions and took the lead, the second time it was 92.5 meters, which exceeded the size of the hill, which was the longest and unbeatable. He obtained a worthy victory with a total of 234.1 points without allowing a reversal. This is podium 104. He has won the Hinzenbach for the eighth time since his first victory in February 2014, beating Zao seven times to become the most victorious jumper in the World Cup.
It was three days of twists and turns. On day 5, the first top was also disqualified due to a violation of the suit rules. On the 6th, the eve of dawn, he regained his head and achieved his first victory of the season. Also on this day he surpassed the qualifying lead and finished the last three consecutive races with a good stable jump. The condition is improving towards the world championship (Germany), the big match that starts later this month.
With two wins on the season since the 17-18 season, the All-Around holds third place with 426 points. She has consistently accumulated points and is close to the lead of 19-year-old Marita Kramer (Austria) with three wins this season by 34 points. This season, the younger generations, including the Kramer, are making great strides. Takanashi, who is regaining her strength as queen, has no intention of losing to younger teenagers like Kramer.