September Weather Summary What is the weather in October when the typhoon approaches and record heat remains? (September 30, 2020) – Japan Meteorological Association


September Weather Summary What is the weather in October when the typhoon is approaching and record heat continues?

September Weather Summary What is the weather in October when the typhoon is approaching and record heat continues?

In early September, Typhoons 9 and 10 approached Japan one after another. Also, even though it was September, there were places where the heat exceeded 40 degrees Celsius. Also, due to the influence of typhoons and the front lines, the number of clear autumn days has decreased. Also keep an eye out for typhoon trends in October.

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Mayumi mushroom

Headquarters of the Japan Meteorological AssociationWeather forecaster / heatstroke prevention instructor

Mayumi mushroom

A weather forecaster who loves to go out and loves the sky and travel. What I’m not good at is staying home all day. Looking up at the sky today, I am working hard every day to know the weather in a fun way.

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