Sending grandfather on suspicion of killing a high school girl in Fukui-Fukui Shimbun


  1. Fukui Shimbun sent grandfather on suspicion of killing a high school girl in Fukui
  2. What happened between the two grandparents who lived together for the murder of a high school girl … (September 11, 2020) ANNnewsCH
  3. Grandpa (86) stabs the grandfather of a high school girl he was fondling Living with his grandfather and grandson … What the hell is there in the family? (FNN Prime Online) Yahoo! News
  4. Grandson of a murdered 16-year-old high school girl and 86-year-old grandfather who lived together arrested Fukui FNN Prime Online
  5. 86-year-old grandfather arrests 16-year-old granddaughter What is it between the two who live together? Fukui-FNN Prime Online
  6. See all articles in Google News