Russia confirms 7,933 people with the highest number of new crown infections in the past, with a total of 114,000 people-Newsweekjapan


  1. Russia confirms 7,933 people with the highest number of new crown infections in the past, with a total of 114,000 people Newsweekjapan
  2. Russian Prime Minister infects New Crown with more than 100,000 domestic infections (AFP = Current Issues) Yahoo! News
  3. Russian Prime Minister infected with a new crown also has 39-degree fever symptoms (05/20/01) ANNnewsCH
  4. Russia does not stop the increase in infection in the Kobe newspaper
  5. Russia infected 100,000 people, hospitalized prime minister doubled in 9 days, expanded to military and medical institutions: Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Shimbun
  6. See all articles in Google News