“Review all administrative procedures”, Prime Minister’s instruction to abolish stamps and documents – Nippon Keizai Shimbun


  1. “Review all administrative procedures” Prime Minister’s instruction to abolish Nihon Keizai Shimbun stamps and documents
  2. Abolition of Hanko, 104 procedures = Issuance of copy of resident card, etc.-Minister of General Affairs Takeda auone.jp
  3. Mr. Kono is considering creating a “stamp abolition manual” for local governments. Expectations for “horizontal deployment” livedoor
  4. Minister Taro Kono who works at “de-hanko” reveals on Twitter that “I received a report that the stamp will be abolished” in the Japanese version of the Pension Organization of Japan Huff Post
  5. Review of the law a “de-hanko” = Review of administrative procedures by all ministries and agencies-Regulatory Reform Council auone.jp
  6. See all articles in Google News