“# Protest against the Prosecutor’s amendment to the law” Proliferation caused by the “political comments” of the Intellectual artists “Many people did not know until it was reported”


  1. “# Protest against the proposed amendment to the Prosecutor’s Office” Why did the spread increase? Artists’ “Political Comments”
  2. The Minister of Justice and the amendment “I think there is no problem” “It has nothing to do with individual staff” (TBS (JNN) system) Yahoo! News
  3. Nae Hiroki, “Provide This For What” on the protest celebrity list auone.jp
  4. Prosecutor raising retirement age “no problem” Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Chief Cabinet Secretary
  5. Nae Yuuki “# Protest against the proposed amendment to the Prosecutor’s Office” Concerned about entering the list (Tospo Web) Yahoo! News
  6. See all articles in Google News