“Proof of having won the plague” Prime Minister Kan decides to hold the Olympic Games at the United Nations –Asahi Shimbun Digital


  1. “Proof of having won the plague” Prime Minister Kan decides to hold the Olympic Games at the United Nations Asahi Shimbun Digital
  2. Prime Minister Kan’s message to the United Nations General Assembly – September 26, Prime Minister’s second year of residence
  3. Prime Minister’s speech at the UN Statement of Corona countermeasures auone.jp
  4. New Crown: 170 billion yen for Crown medical support Prime Minister calls for solidarity in UN speech Nihon Keizai Shimbun
  5. September 26, Reiwa’s second year Prime Minister Kan’s General Debate Speech at the 75th UN General Assembly | Reiwa’s second year | Prime Minister’s speech, press conference, etc. | News Prime Minister’s Residence
  6. See all articles in Google News