“No matter how much the media hits, people will recognize it.” Looking back at the “words” Suga once wrote –BuzzFeed Japan


  1. “No matter how much the media hits, people will recognize it.” Looking back at the “words” that Mr. Suga once wrote, BuzzFeed Japan
  2. Mr. Suga elected as the new president of the PLD (September 14, 2020) Tele East NEWS
  3. Mr. Emi Kaneko Liberal Democratic Party Governor’s election, Mr. Suga “Overwhelming victory” “Choose stable and secure in case of a national crisis” “Self-help, mutual assistance, public assistance is the idea of ​​the party” (Sponichi Annex) Yahoo! News
  4. Yoshiyoshi Suga’s “empty” vision of the nation … The custom is “The staff is the message of the administration” Business Insider Japan
  5. I would like to say two things about the theory of “self-help, mutual aid and public aid” BLOGOS
  6. See all articles in Google News