The drama is a heartfelt love comedy that incorporates the original elements of the drama in the original comic “Nagisa-san from Kasei” from the e-book site “Comic Seymour” (author: Frico Yotsuhara). In the special edition, in addition to the special summary of the main story, the newlywed lives of Mei (Tabe) and Nagisa (Naoto Omori) and the characters after Tadokoro (Yasushi Seto) are drawn.
Aina Iwasaki’s producer said, “At the same time as the final story script was being completed,” Mei and Nagisa are still living together properly !? Tadokoro-san and Tempozan Pharmaceutical are alright !? “I thought about being like a mom, and that’s how much we love the characters that we love.”
“That’s why I couldn’t help but draw
■ Synopsis of the special edition
One day a month has passed since Mei (Tabe) and Nagisa (Omori) got married. In the unknown life of the newlyweds, the upp that has been accumulating little by little finally explodes !! The two fight for the first time … Mei asked Kaoru (Takahashi Mary Jun) and other members of Tempozan Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., and Nagisa asked his neighbor, Tadokoro (Yasushi Seto), to speak. On the other hand, are there various changes to Tadokoro and Kaoru who received the query …?