Mizuren’s (East Sports Web) “initial mistake” that forced Daiya Seto to stop working


  1. Mizuren’s (East Sports Web) Yahoo! “Initial Action Error” News
  2. Nihon Mizuren suspends activities within the year for Daiya Seto, who has an affair, does not cancel the offer of the Sponichi Annex Olympics
  3. Daiya Seto “suspended activities during the year” Mizuren has Representative maintained auone.jp
  4. Is it possible to avoid sponsorship annihilation by Daiya Seto, who is in a difficult situation due to “infidelity before pick up” (East Sports Web)? Yahoo! News
  5. Japan Swimming Federation announces provision to suspend representative activities within the year to Daiya Seto – Livedoor News livedoor
  6. See all articles in Google News