Japan-Russia reconfirms “two islands ahead” Prime Minister, territorial issue “end” -first phone conversation with Putin-Jiji Press News


  1. Japan-Russia reconfirms “two islands ahead” Prime Minister, territorial issue “end” -first phone conversation with Putin Jiji Press News
  2. Prime Minister Kan “I want to put an end to the problem of the Northern Territories” … Telephone conversations with Mr. Putin auone.jp
  3. Prime Minister Kan’s Japan-Russia Summit Telephone Meeting Mentions Northern Territory Issue (September 29, 2020) ANNnewsCH
  4. Japan-Russia summit meeting Prime Minister “Northern Territory Wants to End” Speed ​​up negotiations on the basis of the Japan-Soviet Joint Declaration
  5. Military exercises in northern territories, Russia auone.jp before the first telephone summit
  6. See all articles in Google News