In memory of Keiko Utsumi, Mitsuo Potobutsu “Shock does not move my legs” -Sponichi Annex


  1. In memory of Keiko Utsumi, Mitsuo Pozobutsu “Foot cannot move due to impact” Sponichi Annex
  2. “Love Romance” with Keiko Utsumi, who married at the age of 77 and is 24 years younger, revealed by Keiko Utsumi (Weekly female PRIME) Yahoo! News
  3. Keiko Utsumi, the main comic book artist, died (August 28, 2020) TV Tokyo News
  4. Harufutei Koasa Looking back at her memories with Keiko Utsumi, “You seem to be happy.” Sponichi Annex
  5. Utchan Nanchan, Keiko Utsumi in memory Uchimura “I will never forget that smile” Nambara “Sorry” (Oricon) Yahoo! News
  6. See all articles in Google News