“I can’t do it, no matter what I do” Crazy traders at the benefits call center “Why did you choose this job?” | PRESIDENT Online


This summer, several issues arose over sustainable government profits. What type of inquiries were received at the hot tub call center and what type of response was being given? A former operator reveals the inside story. (Fourth)

Office corridor

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It must be a word that should never be used …

“I don’t think it’s possible for callers to get benefits no matter what.”

As I sat in a nearby seat, I doubted his voice when he heard it.

No matter how you try

Doesn’t she know that it is a word that should never be used by a call center operator and a person who receives inquiries from people suffering from crown disease and suffering from daily management?

The “selection of people” is equivalent to not performing

Since the sustainable benefits business started with a vertical start-up with almost no setup period, there were several cracks and contradictions from the content of the system itself to the operation at the terminal site.

The selection of operators and administrators who work in call centers was no exception.

No, strictly speaking, it amounts to the fact that no selection was made.

As I mentioned in the first part of this memo, when I applied for a job at a sustainable benefits call center, I was not interviewed at a temp agency and only hired based on my registered work history.

When I asked staff at other temp companies after the job started, it appears that the hiring process was the same everywhere. It is advisable to avoid face-to-face contact with many applicants during the crown accident, and perhaps the call center operator has ordered a large number of people immediately, taking the time to select. I guess I couldn’t afford it.

However, while the content of the sustainability benefits system system and the call center operating system, which were often inadequate at first, improved day by day, only the selection of temporary staff companies to send staff to the center it was forever. It could only be called “fast”. Each temp company employs several employees every one to two weeks in response to requests from the center operating company, and each time, “Why did you choose to work in a call center?” There was a person who wanted to twist his neck.
