Heavy rainfall of about 110mm per hour in Fukushima prefecture Record heavy rainfall information in a short time –Weather News


  1. Heavy rainfall of about 110mm per hour in Fukushima prefecture Record information on short-term heavy rainfall Weather news
  2. Record short-term heavy rain information in Kochi prefecture heavy rain of 120mm (11 Sep 2020) ANNnewsCH
  3. [Últimas noticias]The circulation of record information on short duration heavy rains near Matsue City JR on city roads (Shimane / Tottori) has been suspended FNN Prime Online
  4. Heavy rainfall of about 100mm per hour in Shimane Prefecture / Short-term heavy rainfall information log Weather news
  5. [Lluvia registrada]Heavy rains of about 100mm per hour near western Toyohashi city, Aichi prefecture (9/10) goo.ne.jp
  6. See all articles in Google News