[Gigante]Daiki Masuda, who made two mistakes on the left wing, led by Hara “I can’t follow you.” In the attack, all four at-bats were on base and three were stolen.


  1. Director[Gigante]Hara “I can’t follow” Daiki Masuda, who made 2 mistakes on the left wing. In attack, the 4 at-bats and 3 stolen bases were also reported to sports.
  2. Falling ball Masuda Dai “100 points for hitting, 0 points for defense” Motoki Head Nikkan Sports
  3. The giant Dai Masuda accuses the king of investment theft! Two successful robberies three times after the first two and three robberies Okamoto 3 executes Invite auone.jp
  4. [Gigante]Daiki Masuda, a stamen for the first time in 111 days, has a presence.
  5. Rainy day as the giant Masuda Dai 2 falls Life is spared China-Japan sports, Tokyo China-Japan sports
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