2nd place Hanshin will play 5th place Hiroshima, Hanshin will be Fujinami and Hiroshima will be Yabuta.

equipment meter
[Hiro]Yabuta, Ki Takahashi

[Dios]Fujinami, Baba

[Libro]Makoto Suzuki No. 17 3 race (1 time = 110 m)

Party progress

<4 veces>

【Hiroshima】Pirella is flying. Sakakura hit right, Itoi missed and advanced to second base. Sone continued with hits from Nakamae and managed to steal two, 1 kill, 2nd and 3rd base. Nagano is a dead base with four balls. Fujinami smiled bitterly at the ball’s judgment. The pitcher switched to second Baba.

<3 veces>

【Hiroshima】Dobayashi moves the slider. Makoto Suzuki has 154 km and two goro. Matsuyama flies to the right with a slider

[Hanshin]Umeno hit second base left.Nakamae’s timely strike from Itohara tied 3-3.Sands is first and second base with four balls. Oyama touched the second ball and fouled. The hallway is loud. 3rd ball, sent to the front and decided bunt, 1 kill, 2nd and 3rd base. Here in Hiroshima, Ki Takahashi went up instead of Yabuta.Bohr hit Nakamae in a timely fashion and won 4-3. 5-3 with a timely blow that falls in front of Itoi’s left

<2 veces>

【Hiroshima】Sone initially hit 152 km and hit a second base from the left. Yabuta sent 1 kill and third base. Omori swings the slider in the air. Hiroshi Tanaka scored no points in a goro

[Hanshin]Three-way withdrawal

<1 vez>

【Hiroshima】Omori hit the third ball 153 km and hit the right front. Hiroshi Tanaka launched 152 kilometers and flew. Omori managed to steal the third ball from Dobayashi. Dobayashi is a four ball. So far, the 12 balls are straight balls over 150 km. The fastest is 155 km.Makoto Suzuki ran a No. 17 3 bullet run from a 1-1 count to 154 km directly to the left wing seat.Matsuyama is a prank. Pirella is Nakahi, Sakakura is Nigoro

[Hanshin]Chikamoto is Yugoro. Umeno is a four ball. Binary with catch.Nakamae of Itohara’s timely strike returns 1 point.After Sands retired, Oyama made first and second base with four balls.Bohr’s right forward hit 2-3

Hanshin vs.  Hiroshima 1st inning Hanshin 2 Kill 1st, 2nd base, Bohr hits right front in a timely fashion.  Yabuta pitcher (photographed by Masaaki Maeoka)
Hanshin vs. Hiroshima 1st inning Hanshin 2 Kill 1st, 2nd base, Bohr hits right front in a timely manner. Yabuta pitcher (photographed by Masaaki Maeoka)
Hanshin vs. Hiroshima 1st inning Hanshin 1st 2nd base, Itohara punches Nakamae in a timely manner (photographed by Masaaki Maeoka)
Hanshin vs. Hiroshima 1st inning Hanshin 1st 2nd base, Itohara punches Nakamae in a timely manner (photographed by Masaaki Maeoka)
Hanshin vs. Hiroshima Hiroshima Kazuki Yabuta starting lineup (photographed by Hiroshi Ueda)
Hanshin vs. Hiroshima Hiroshima Kazuki Yabuta starting lineup (photographed by Hiroshi Ueda)
Hanshin vs. Hiroshima 1st table Hiroshima 1 kill 1st, 2nd base, left crossing the first 3 points Seiya Suzuki (photographed by Hiroshi Ueda) = September 13, 2020, Koshien Stadium
Hanshin vs. Hiroshima 1st table Hiroshima 1 kill 1st, 2nd base, left crossing the first 3 points Seiya Suzuki (photographed by Hiroshi Ueda) = September 13, 2020, Koshien Stadium
Hanshin vs.  Hiroshima 1st inning Hiroshima 1 kill 1st, 2nd base, Makoto Suzuki hit first base from 3-point left-handed home plate.  Fujinami Launcher (photographed by Masaaki Maeoka)
Hanshin vs. Hiroshima 1st inning Hiroshima 1 kill 1st, 2nd base, Makoto Suzuki hit first base from 3-point left-handed home plate. Fujinami Launcher (photographed by Masaaki Maeoka)
Hanshin vs.  Hiroshima 17th round 1st table Hiroshima 1 death 1st, 2nd base, Seiya Suzuki hits first base left-handed three-point.  Fujinami Launcher (photographed by Masaaki Maeokano)
Hanshin vs. Hiroshima 17th round 1st table Hiroshima 1 kill 1st, 2nd base, Seiya Suzuki hits left-handed first baseman for three points. Fujinami Launcher (photographed by Masaaki Maeokano)
Hanshin vs. Hiroshima Hanshin starting lineup Shintaro Fujinami (photographed by Hiroshi Ueda)
Hanshin vs. Hiroshima Hanshin starting lineup Shintaro Fujinami (photographed by Hiroshi Ueda)



1 (medium) large

2 (Yu) Hiroshi Tanaka

3 (3) Dobayashi

4 (right) Makoto Suzuki

5 (one) Songshan

6 (left) Pirella

7 (Capture) Sakakura

8 (2) Sone

9 (Throw) Yabuta


1 (medium) close to this

2 (capture) Umeno

3 (2) Itohara

4 (left) Arenas

5 (three) Dashan

6 (1) Bohr

7 (right) Itoi

8 (tour) Mulang

9 (launch) Fujinami