Former Hiroshima Ace Kita Beppu Hospitalized for Adult T-Cell Leukemia-Mainichi Shimbun-Mainichi Shimbun Bone Marrow Transplant


  1. Former Hiroshima Ace Kitabeppu is hospitalized for adult T-cell leukemia-Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Shimbun bone marrow transplant
  2. Mr. Kita Beppu, who announced the leukemia, was hospitalized for a bone marrow transplant “I told my children not to ask about my mother” (Sponichianex) Yahoo!
  3. Kitabetsufu hospitalized to transplant hematopoietic stem cells provided by his son Sankei Sports
  4. Mr. Kitabefu fighting leukemia “Greetings online” from the marriage of the eldest son that I seriously considered is also “Both families face to face” if crown convergence
  5. Kitabefu Manabu, hospitalized for bone marrow transplant “Don’t ask mothers” (Daily Sports) Yahoo! News
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