“Devil’s Blade Infinite Train Edition theatrical version” (directed by Haruo Tonozaki), which is an animated manga film by manga artist Koyoharu Gotoge, had box office revenue on the 23rd.) It surpassed 25.9 billion yen.
Aniplex production and distribution announced on the 24th. Registered revenue of 25,917,043,800 yen and mobilization of 19,397,589 people. It surpassed the 14-year-old “Anne and the Snow Queen” of 25.5 billion yen and the 16-year-old “Kimi no Naha.”
Since the release on October 16, box office revenue surpassed 25 billion yen in just 39 days. It was 114 days after the release of the 2001 animated film “Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi,” which recorded the highest level in Japan at 30.8 billion yen, and announced that it had exceeded 26 billion yen. It took 128 days for “Anne and the Snow Queen,” which caused a whirlwind in 2014, to surpass 25 billion yen in revenue, and it took 332 days for even “Your Name” in 2016, directed by Makoto Shinkai.
During the three consecutive holidays in the sixth week of the holiday, the company posted a profit of 439,606,550 yen on the 21st, 592,378,550 yen on the 22nd, and 460,012,250 yen on the 23rd. It is critical that it surpass the “Titanic” of 1997 of 26.2 billion yen in the next week and rise to second place in history. Like the title, the momentum for “Go To Devil” is endless.