Daily allocation of 70,000 yen at GoTo secretariat “I can’t get people to understand it” –TV Asahi


  1. Daily allowance of 70,000 yen in GoTo secretariat “Understanding the People” TV Asahi
  2. The GoTo secretariat labor cost is expected to average 40,000 yen per day. Opposition party search is “too expensive” livedoor
  3. GoTo travel office expenses Pursuing opposition parties for more than 40,000 yen per person per day[N Star]TBS NEWS
  4. Daily allowance of 70,000 yen in the GoTo secretariat “Understanding the People” (TV Asahi (ANN)) Yahoo! News
  5. Daily Allowance of 70,000 Yen at the GoTo Secretariat “Understanding the People” (October 19, 2020) ANNnewsCH
  6. See all articles in Google News