Census Response Rate 67.7% Net 37.9%, as of 8 –Nihon Keizai Shimbun


  1. Census Response Rate 67.7% Net 37.9%, as of Nihon Keizai Shimbun 8
  2. Response rate increases just before the national census deadline by 67.7% as of the 8th NHK NEWS website
  3. Census, online response 37.6% Saga 35.4% Saga Shimbun
  4. Census, online response rate 37% = target 50% far-Ministry of the Interior and Communications auone.jp
  5. [Barrio Sumida]Have you already responded to the national census? Replies will be extended until the 20th, both by mail and online.Additional Sumida NET receipt
  6. See all articles in Google News