Unconventional rising baseball defeated the Yankees. In the fifth round of the District A series, he died in the sixth inning, and against the second left arm of the Ya Army, Cash’s coach named a right-handed hitter Brosso as a replacement. Without hesitation, he replaced Choi Shiman, the fourth-hitter’s left-handed hitter. In the eighth inning, the flower was the last bullet from Chapman, the guardian god of the Ya army. Yoshichi Tsutsuka, a 28-year-old gardener waiting at the bench for a big money opportunity, also exploded with joy with his teammates. “The most wonderful moment. It’s something very special,” Cash enthused as he advanced to the league championship series for the first time in 12 years.
Even when the pitcher switched, he took the lead. Grasno, who threw 93 balls in the second round, started on the second day. In the second inning, 1/3 was hit with no hits or runs, but in the middle of the third inning, he traded to Anderson, who scored 6 saves, the most for the team this season. After that, he was connected by “Closer Three Pillars” from Castillo, Fairbanks, who has made two saves in the postseason. The number one main relief team this season was introduced one after another from the start to avoid a goal.
The members were switched in the right place and the players who were named pitching were also active that day. “I’m proud of the players,” Cash said. Starting on the 11th (Japan 12th time), we will face the Astros to advance to the World Series. Pay off the debt to the opponent you lost in the district series last year.